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Bord met decor van alliantiewapen van De la Bistrate - Proli, chine de commande, famille rose (Nederlands)
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Angela Howard op 03-11-2015: This plate is referred to as the 'Boone error'. There were clearly some leftover pieces from the 1720 Boone order in the workshop which were plain white with the Boone arms on the lower rim. These must have later been 'used up' in the service with the arms of de la Bistrate impaling Proli (which cannot have been made before their marriage in 1736). The Chinese perhaps did not think that anyone would notice the Boone arms on the lower rim among the decoration. Only 2 or 3 pieces are recorded with this mistake - so this is a very rare piece (see also Howard 2003, CAPv2, p. 705). (Nederlands)
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BP 03514
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onbekende waarde
China (Nederlands)
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